Monday, January 23, 2012

While Momma's Sleeping...

Momma says something strange happens while she is sleeping....

 When she wakes up in the morning... my stuffies are in weird formations.... 

When she asks me about it.. I deny everything.

Momma must never know what goes on during the secret society of stuffies meetings.... shhh ... it's top secret.


Shane Kent Louis said...

LOL! what a great post Lexi, you look pawsome on your shots ^_^

It's all About Pet Fences | Dog Fence

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

What happens when 'they' are asleep will always be our sekhret!


Tweedles -- that's me said...

I think the stuffies all come alive when everyone goes to sleep!

Arran, Arthur and Mum said...

Yep, deny everything, that the best thing to do.

TimberLove said...

Hawwooowoooo! We are with woo mate!

RA, Isis & Nanuk